Friday, June 5, 2009

Baby P

Yet another ridiculous farce by the British justice system on the sentencing of the killers of Baby P. An indefinite sentence for the mother but she could possibly only serve five years. Life for her boyfriend but he could be out in 12 years. What has come of the judicial review where sentences for those who commit sickening crimes like this were supposed to be toughened up? Now criminals just have to play the games: pleading guilty on grounds of diminsihed responsibility; then get leniant sentences and suddenly get better in time for early release. This is not justice - this is literally letting killers get away with murder.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gunpowder Plot

Another 5th Nov has passed us by. Still to come are the horror stories and A&E tales of children with burnt hands and people scarred for life by mindless idiots letting off fireworks in an uncontrolled and careless manner as well as those injured by mistake or accidents whilst at organised bonfire dos and so on.
Lets hope that this year people have paid heed to the fireworks code and all are safe.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treastenders

So Max the scheming pervert has finally got his comeuppance. But who ran him down? A drunken Bradley, an angry Tanya, his bed-hopping brother, or the new driver Darren trying to escape the square with Libby as soon as possible. Good story line folks at the BBC. Much more realistic than the mangled plotline that is the tale of the paedophile Tony and his relationship with Whitney. Thought this one was going to flush out last night but not quite. Looks like there is yet another unrealistic or unplausible turn to come.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yet another saddo in the church

Today we saw the sentencing of yet another paedophile from the world of the church. This time it is a priest the Reverend Richard Hart. This guy had thousands of indecent images of kids on his computer and also took pictures of children. What is more his wife even knew about it and supported it.
He has been sentenced to 3 and a half years. Not long enough in my view. He needs at least 10 years and a damn good beating. Thrash the evil out of him I say.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is it with all the paedophile story lines in the soaps?

First Eastenders and now Coronation Street are running stories involving paedophiles. Do the program makers really think that the British public want to watch this sort of thing? Can the censors of the airwaves please make a stand against this sort of disgusting story line going out? At least the BBC run their helpine advert afterwards to try and help those affected in anyway by the program. Perhaps I should call in and express my utter disgust... I will let you know how I get on.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

More on Rees-Williams

Jonathan Rees-Williams was a highly respected member of the cathedral organist's and choirmasters upper eschelons. However behind the air and arrogance of his respectability lies a far deeper, darker truth. He was a fiend who preyed on innocent child victims.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Where is Geoff Talbot?

Another strange person. This guy used to teach music at a school in Lichfield and then there was some talk of him getting kicked out for allogations of child molestation. Yet another paedophile from the Lichfield music scene. But where did he go? We have heard that he apparently went to live with some folks in Shropshire and that he ran a choir around there for a while. He also teaches piano in that area but what is he up to? Anyone with any information on this fellow, please post a comment and we will build up a picture of what he is up to.